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Casino Bonus Codes

Casino Bonus Codes are the codes that a player enters to confirm that the bonus will be paid per the ad or the statement that got the player to make a deposit. This code is the way a casino will know how a specific player came to play on their site. They will also use it to make sure that the correct bonus is given to the player. This is important if the casino has different ads running at the same time with different bonus amounts or different expiration dates. It also can be used to identify where the bonus ad was running so the casino can see which ads seem to draw more players to the website. This will help the casino spend their advertising money in a more effective manner. The player by using the code when opening an account alerts the casino to the bonus arrangement they are expecting to get on their first deposit or any other special promotion. This assures the casino that they do not get into a misunderstanding with a new customer over a promotion. This is the last thing that the casino wants to happen, as it is a PR disaster that can be prevented. The bonuses are the newest advertising vehicle that casinos are using to attract players to their online casino. The casinos bonus codes are a simple way to keep every thing squared away and the proper bonuses are paid to the new customer.

With the fierce competition that casinos have with each other, bonuses are one of the battlefields that they fight on to get new players. These bonus codes are helpful in knowing which ads are working and which ones can be discarded as non-effective. Advertising for new players is an ongoing expense for all casinos and the bonus codes make it clear to the customer what they should get and the casino will know what to pay a specific customer. The codes also have a mental effect on the customer as they feel they are getting something special from the casino. The casinos can use the codes to identify where the customer is from or how they discovered the casino. This is important information to the casino as they can run different campaigns in different countries or locals.

The codes are usually simple four to six letters and numbers that only have a meaning to the casino. The customer will supply them so that they will get the advertised bonus. The casino can use them for many purposes such as the expenditure advertising money, a country that seems to be a better prospecting area and what level of bonus is most reliable in getting new customers. Lack of a code may suggest that the customer just stumbled on the casino while surfing the net. Most players would include it if told to do so when opening an account.

The reasons that casino use these codes as you can see are multi-faceted. They are very useful in seeing that the correct bonuses are credited to the player's new account or a special bonus is given to the account in a timely manner. The casino can determine a great deal from the bonus code a customer uses when making a deposit. Knowing which ads work discovers effective advertising and lets the advertiser know where to spend more money. New customer acquisition is very important to the growth of any online casino. They must replace those players that move on and they must add new players in order to improve the total customers they have as players. Casino bonus codes are a way of improving all of these activities for both the casino and the player's


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